I used to keep a daily journal log recording everything I did that day until it filled the little lined page. Nothing exciting, just a record. When we got engaged and blogs became a thing, I started an almost daily blog post on ‘MaryandHeff’ and then ‘BabyandHeff’ when we got pregnant with Francie. It morphed to at some point and still holds a record of nearly everyday of parenting up until moving to the ranch! When the ease of recording our days become so much easier on Instagram, I moved over to social media.

Sharing our life and nuances of our days is something that still makes me happy. I feel a little sense of accomplishment from my daily journal logs in the documentation of life.

My New Years goal is to go back to the documentation of photo posts each day and share life with you just how it happens… with photos and stories and the everyday - no matter how unexciting they may be.

Do you create new goals in the new year? If so I'd love to hear some of them!

On another note, here are some fun announcements and specials we put together for you this week! Enjoy!








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